Following the same line of work as the last blog post, I’ll explain a possible way of uploading a set of Dicom images separated in folders indicating subject/session organization into XNAT . This solution is based on a script by Hauke Bartsch (
Bash script:
# Create a session cookie, we want to re-use that session instead of providing
# login information every time. Number of sessions might be limited otherwise to 1000.
cookie = ` curl -k -u $USER :$PASSWORD -X POST $XNAT /data/JSESSION` echo "Session ID is: $cookie "
# create subject in case it does not exist
echo "create subject $c " c = ` curl --cookie JSESSIONID = $cookie -k -X PUT $XNAT /data/archive/projects/$PROJECT /subjects/$subject `
# create session in case it does not exist
echo "create session $c " c = ` curl --cookie JSESSIONID = $cookie -k -X PUT $XNAT /data/archive/projects/$PROJECT /subjects/$subject /experiments/$session ?xsiType= xnat:mrSessionData`
timestamps =( ) for file in ` find $directory -type f -print ` do
# move file over using REST API
c = ` curl --cookie JSESSIONID = $cookie -s -k -H 'Content-Type: application/dicom' -X POST " $XNAT /data/services/import?inbody=true&PROJECT_ID= $PROJECT &SUBJECT_ID= $subject &EXPT_LABEL= $session &prearchive=true&overwrite=append&format=DICOM&content=T1_RAW" --data-binary @$file | tr -d [ :cntrl:]`
echo -n "."
timestamp = ` echo $c | cut -d '/' -f6 `
# is timestamp new?
found = "0"
for f in " ${ timestamps [@] } " ; do
if [ " $f " = " $timestamp " ] ; then
found = "1"
# add to array
if [ $found = "0" ] ; then
timestamps+=( $timestamp )
echo "found a new series $timestamp "
done echo "done sending files..."